I woke up this morning with a simple thought in mind, my kids need to start making meals for themselves. When I was younger, by 6th grade I was making dinner for my mom and I. I had to if I wanted dinner at a reasonable hour, she worked until 5 or 6 pm. Now don’t get me wrong I was no homemade gourmet at that point, but I fell in love with cooking. Taking the basic ingredients and making something amazing.

Then my mind wondered to a conversation I had with my pastoral mentor the other day. We talked about the need for leaders of churches to be Spiritual Self-Starters. If leaders begin to feel stagnant they need to jumpstart their walk.

This often gets put into these words, “I am not being fed.” There are many references about food and being fed in the Bible. Jesus is the bread of life in John 6. In the Old Testament we read about the manna from Heaven.

I think the verse that fits this idea the best is from Paul, in 1 Corinthians 3:2. Paul says the believers needed to be fed milk because they weren’t ready for solid food.

Then it dawned on me that these two morning thoughts were connected. As we grow up we must begin to feed ourselves. When we are young we are dependent on adults to cook for us to help us grow. But as we mature we must begin to cook for ourselves and eventually cook for others.

I would argue that all mature Christians need to be able to be Spiritual Self-Starters. So if you feel you aren’t being fed maybe it’s time you got in the kitchen and made a meal.


I am a Husband, Father, Tech, and above all else, a Disciple of Christ.